Pay a Model, Create Chargebacks and Advances


To manage the statements and payments for your models in Mediasllide, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the "Accounting" section and open "Expenses" > "Talent accounts" > "All Accounts"

2. On the right, you will find the magnifying glass to access the statement of a model.

3. In the "Options" menu, you can choose to generate a PDF or print the full or the summary statement.

4. To mark as paid your models, you can select the billings you want to pay. In the "Options" menu, choose "Payment" and proceed to pay the selected billing. Save the payments, and the payment is marked as done for the specified invoices.

5. Create a new chargeback by selecting the "Options" menu, then "Your Chargeback," and input the amount for the chargeback.

6. Similarly, for creating new advances, follow the same process. Choose "Options," then "New Advance," and input the amount for the new advance.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage statements, payments, chargebacks, and advances for your models in Mediaslide, ensuring accurate financial tracking and transaction management.