E- Invoice
If you're interested in using e-invoices, option with Eurosign.
Here's how it works:
1. Go to the Accounting Module ➞ click on “Sales” ➞ Invoices report ➞ view all invoices.
2. Choose the invoice you want to send ➞ click on it ➞ at the bottom of the invoice, find the "option" ➞ select "Send invoice."
3. After adding recipients (unlimited), you can modify the title and message for the recipients, then click "send."
The recipient(s) will receive an email from Eurosign. They can view, download, and/or proceed with the payment.
When you revisit your list of sent invoices, you may notice a "green envelope," indicating that your recipient has opened the email.
An automatic reminder email can be sent. You have the option to adjust the sending intervals through your Eurosign account.
If necessary, you can access all your completed processes through your Eurosign account.
This feature can be activated upon request so if you would like to start using it please let me know and I will take care of it.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions or need further assistance.